Problems We Treat: Teeth Grinding Coeur d'Alene

Can bruxism permanently damage your teeth?

Bruxism, or clenching and grinding your teeth while you sleep, is a common but involuntary issue. This dental issue needs immediate treatment to reduce adverse health effects. When left untreated, bruxism can cause teeth to crack, loosen, or even fall out.

What happens when you grind your teeth?

  • Cavities develop
  • TMJ and jaw pain become common
  • Teeth may chip or fracture
  • Enamel wears away
  • Gum recession develops

Does tooth grinding require seeing a dentist?

The answer is yes! Clenching your teeth can generate a force of up to 250 pounds and that’s a lot of pressure on your teeth.

Often times, people grind their teeth while they sleep so they may not realize they’re doing it. During bi-yearly dental exams, the dentist will look for signs of bruxism. Consider the following side effects of bruxism:

  • A tense or stiff jaw or neck
  • Waking up with a headache or jaw pain
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • TMJ (popping, clicking jaw)
  • Toothaches
  • Teeth that appear shorter than they used to
  • Increased wear on your teeth (look for visible ridges or chipping)

How to Stop Teeth Grinding Coeur d'Alene

  • Talk to your dentist
  • Become more conscious of your day-time clenching, relax your jaw muscles whenever you notice it
  • Stop chewing everything but food (no gum, mints, ice, etc.)
  • Treat any sleep breathing disorders
  • Massage for your jaw muscles, especially right before bed
  • Try meditation, yoga, or counseling to limit stress and relax

Treatments for Bruxism Coeur d'Alene

Most cases of bruxism can be treated with a custom-made nightguard. Depending on how much damage your tooth grinding has caused, your teeth may also require some repairs. These might include:

Schedule a Consultation


We know everyone has different schedules, because of this we offer late afternoon and early morning appointments.

CDA Dentists