Dentures Cda Dentist

If you’re missing all your teeth, several teeth, or one tooth, dentures from Coeur d’Alene dentist CDA Dental can restore your smile and your self-confidence and make eating easier and speech clearer. State-of-the-art technology behind today’s dentures means they fit better, are more comfortable, and look more natural than ever.

Custom denture options provided by your Coeur d’Alene dentist suit the needs of different individuals, and include:

  • Removable full dentures.
  • Removable partial dentures.
  • Fixed dentures with dental implants.
  • Removable dentures with implants.

Our dentists in CDA also replace or upgrade existing dentures that have become loose and uncomfortable or occasionally fall out.

Removable Complete Dentures

If you’re missing all the teeth in the upper and/or lower arch of your mouth, removable complete dentures – conventional dentures – from your dentist in Coeur d’Alene provide the solution. These dentures consist of acrylic, nylon or metal artificial teeth mounted on a pink resin base that fits over your gums.

It generally takes several appointments for your Coeur d’Alene dentist to provide you with a set of removable dentures. The process begins with your dentist taking impressions of your gums. These are sent to a lab for a dental technician to build a model of your mouth.

Your dentist and the lab then work together to design your dentures, using the model as a base. Multiple trial fittings and adjustments may be needed to ensure your dentures fit properly and provide optimal bite function. When your dentures are ready for use, it will take a short time to adjust to how they feel in your mouth. After that, your dentures will feel natural, improving overall oral functionality as well as replicating the appearance of real teeth.

Temporary Dentures

If you need teeth extracting before getting dentures, you’ll get a set of temporary dentures – immediate dentures – so you won’t be without teeth while your permanent dentures are being made. Bone and gum tissue shrink during healing after teeth are removed, so your temporary dentures will probably need more modifications than conventional dentures to ensure a proper fit.

Partial Dentures

If you have some healthy teeth remaining in your upper or lower jaw, a partial denture can be used to replace one or several missing teeth. In filling a gap left by missing teeth, partial dentures typically provide better stability than complete dentures. They also prevent surrounding teeth from moving out of position. Partials are usually removable, and they’re designed to match the shape, size and color of adjacent teeth. They’re often used when too many teeth are missing for a fixed bridge.

Dentures with Implants

Fixed dentures and removable dentures can be combined with dental implants. While standard dentures are held in place by adhesive and natural suction, implant dentures are secured by implants placed in the jaw. A key advantage of these dentures is that the implants preserve surrounding jawbone that helps maintain facial structure and appearance. Without the stimulus of a tooth root, jawbone deteriorates over time. Unlike conventional dentures, the titanium component of the implant fuses with bone to form an artificial tooth root.

Fixed Hybrid Dentures

Screw-retained fixed hybrid implant dentures provide the added stability of a fixed restoration. These full dentures are permanently secured in the mouth and cleaned and maintained the same as real teeth. Like removable full dentures, fixed hybrid dentures are mounted on a gum-colored resin base. But the base is formed over a metal arch anchored by dental implants. As with removable full dentures, multiple dental visits are necessary to get a fixed hybrid denture, plus the additional procedure of placing the implants.

The screw-retained denture process entails:

  • Taking impressions to create a set of temporary dentures.
  • Diagnostic images to plan out implant placement.
  • Placement of implants.
  • Securing the temporary denture to abutments on top of the implants.
  • Subsequent appointments to monitor the healing process.
  • New impressions when healing is complete.
  • Fabrication of the final denture.
  • Try-in fittings and modifications to ensure best results.

Removable Dentures with Implants

As well as anchoring fixed dentures, implants can also provide more stability for removable dentures. These implant-supported overdentures (ISO) are also known as snap-on dentures because the denture snaps onto extensions on the implants that protrude from the gum. Two to six implants are usually sufficient to support a removable denture. You can also get dental implants to convert existing standard removable dentures into the snap-on system, with fasteners attached to the denture so it can clip onto the implants.

Dentures with Mini Dental Implants

Dentures in the lower jaw tend to slip about over time because of insufficient jawbone support. If your lower denture has become loose and uncomfortable, mini dental implants (MDIs) can stabilize it. After placement of four to six implants, your denture is adjusted so it can clip onto the implants. Because mini implants are about half the diameter of regular dental implants, they don’t need to be completely embedded in jawbone. This makes them a good option if you lack sufficient quantity of quality bone in your jaw to support standard implants for lower dentures. MDIs can also be used to secure a fixed denture in the lower jaw.

Are Dentures Right for You?

Tooth loss, especially among older people, is a common problem through decay, gum disease and physical injury. Teeth are an important part of our anatomy – playing a critical role in maintaining oral structure – so it’s crucial to replace missing teeth. Missing teeth can distort facial appearance, impair speech, and limit the foods you can eat. Dentures resolve these issues for millions of the U.S. population.

Most people who’ve lost teeth are good candidates for dentures at your CDA dentist. With our dentures, you’ll no longer feel embarrassed about smiling or laughing or find it difficult to speak clearly or eat the foods you enjoy. Get in touch online or call CDA Dental on (208) 667-7461 to find out whether dentures are your best teeth replacement option and which type of denture would work best for you.