Dental Blog

Our dental practice is dedicated to educating you with the latest tips and tricks to maintain your optimal oral health.

Why Invisalign Clear Aligners Are Great for Teens

Contributed by DentalROI


Invisalign clear aligners are great for teens because they're plastic and have smooth edges which helps avoid irritation of the mouth associated with metal braces, which are prone to protruding wires and loose or broken brackets. Learn more below!

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Have You Heard of Invisalign?

Contributed by DentalROI

Heard of Invisalign

If you haven’t heard of Invisalign, you or your children could be missing out on getting an awesome smile with a revolutionary method of fixing crooked teeth and associated problems.

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Tips to Prevent Gum Disease

Contributed by DentalROI

Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease – medically known as periodontitis – affects millions of U.S. adults although in many cases it’s preventable with good oral hygiene backed by professional preventive measures.

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How Dentures Have Changed

Contributed by DentalROI


Dentures have changed dramatically throughout history, evolving from the primitive false teeth of centuries ago to the cutting-edge technology behind today’s replacement teeth.

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Benefits of Fillings

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Fillings

The key benefit of a dental filling is halting the progression of decay by repairing a damaged tooth and restoring its normal function and appearance.

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Benefits of Invisalign

Contributed by DentalROI

Invisalign Clear AlignersWhen it comes to fixing crooked teeth, the cutting-edge Invisalign solution holds multiple advantages over more conventional orthodontic treatments.

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Advantages of Dental Implants

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental Implants

Dental implants provide many benefits compared with other tooth replacement options such as bridges and dentures.

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What is Botox Cosmetic Treatment?

Contributed by DentalROI

Cosmetic BotoxBotox cosmetic treatment is becoming increasingly popular as more people turn to minimally-invasive appearance-enhancing technology rather than going under the knife for plastic surgery.

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Benefits of Veneers

Contributed by DentalROI

Dental VeneersEveryday wear and tear can take its toll on our teeth. Over time, problems such as discoloration and chipping are almost unavoidable. In many cases, dental veneers provide a fast, highly effective cosmetic treatment if unsightly teeth are spoiling your smile and making you feel self-conscious.

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What is Periodontal Disease?

Contributed by DentalROI

Gum DiseasePeriodontal disease occurs when bacterial plaque and tartar become trapped in pockets between the gums and teeth, and infection spreads to the bone and ligaments that support the teeth.

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