TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint, and it works like a hinge, linking your jawbone to your skull. This joint allows you to talk, eat, and move your mouth. TMJ disorders refer to a range of conditions or issues that affect this joint and the surrounding muscles. Dentists in Coeur d'Alene diagnose and treat TMJ disorders to relieve pain and enhance jaw function.

Early identification and treatment are crucial for preventing the condition from worsening and causing serious symptoms. Timely intervention reduces discomfort, maintains normal jaw function, and enables everyday activities without problems. It also provides more conservative treatment choices, reducing the necessity for extensive interventions in the future.


TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder symptoms can vary widely from person to person. Common symptoms include:

  • Jaw pain or discomfort
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • Facial pain, particularly around the cheeks and temples
  • Headaches
  • Sounds like clicks, pops, or rough noises when you open or close your mouth
  • Difficulty or discomfort while chewing
  • Jaw fatigue, especially after talking or chewing for extended periods
  • Limited jaw movement or the sensation of the jaw getting stuck
  • Earaches or fullness in the ears
  • Muscle stiffness in the jaw, neck, or face
  • Changes in bite, causing the upper and lower teeth not to align properly

It's important to note that not everyone with TMJ disorders experiences all these symptoms, and the severity can vary.


Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can have various causes, and they often result from a combination of factors. Common causes and contributing factors behind TMJ disorders include:

  • When you grind or clench your teeth, often due to stress
  • When you experience jaw injuries or trauma
  • When you frequently chew gum or bite your nails
  • When arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, develops in the TMJ, it can lead to problems.
  • When your teeth aren't correctly aligned
  • When stress levels are high, it can result in increased tension in the jaw muscles and clenching.
  • When there is a family history of TMJ disorders, the risk of developing them may be higher.
  • When sleep apnea or related conditions are present, they can contribute to issues with the jaw.
  • When taking certain medications, it may lead to muscle tension or clenching.
  • When lifestyle factors like diet, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption come into play, they can impact the health of the TMJ.

Treatment Options

A comprehensive diagnosis is crucial in determining the underlying causes of TMJ disorders and tailoring an appropriate treatment plan. Treatment may involve a combination of approaches to address the root causes and symptom relief. Treating TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorders can vary based on how severe the issue is and what's causing it.

The common treatment approaches are:

For Teeth Grinding (Bruxism):

  • Dental Night Guards: Custom-fitted night guards protect teeth from grinding during sleep. They provide a physical barrier between teeth, preventing damage.
  • Stress Management: Reducing stress through relaxation techniques can help alleviate bruxism. Stress reduction practices like meditation can complement treatment.

For Arthritis in TMJ:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Medications can help reduce inflammation and pain in the TMJ. They aim to ease discomfort.
  • Physical Therapy: Therapeutic exercises can improve jaw mobility and function, aiding in managing TMJ arthritis.

For Misaligned Bite:

  • Orthodontic Treatment: Braces or other orthodontic appliances can correct bite alignment by gradually repositioning teeth. This aims to achieve a harmonious bite.
  • Dental Restorations: Restorative work like crowns may help improve bite alignment by addressing tooth irregularities.

For Jaw Injury or Trauma:

  • RICE Protocol: The RICE Protocol involves resting, applying ice, using compression, and elevating the affected area. It can be useful for treating acute jaw injuries by reducing swelling and aiding in the healing process.
  • Pain Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers may provide relief during recovery from jaw injuries.

For Habitual Behaviors (e.g., Gum Chewing or Nail Biting):

  • Behavioral Modification: Identifying and changing habits can reduce strain on the TMJ. Techniques like habit reversal training may be beneficial.
  • Stress Management: Managing stress through counseling or relaxation strategies may help break these habits, reducing TMJ stress.

For Poor Posture:

  • Physical Therapy: Posture correction exercises can help improve jaw alignment. These exercises target the muscles that influence posture.
  • Ergonomic Adjustments: Proper ergonomics, including ergonomic chairs and computer setups, can reduce posture related TMJ strain.

For Dental Issues:

  • Dental Work: Dental procedures to address dental issues, like dental fillings or extractions, may alleviate TMJ symptoms by addressing underlying problems.
  • Bite Adjustments: Adjusting the bite through dental work can improve TMJ function by ensuring proper tooth alignment.

For Genetics and Predisposition:

  • Symptomatic Management: Treatments focus on alleviating pain and discomfort associated with TMJ issues. This includes pain management strategies.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Lifestyle changes such as a soft diet can reduce symptoms and discomfort stemming from genetic predisposition.

For Sleep Disorders (e.g., Sleep Apnea):

  • Sleep Apnea Treatment: Treating sleep apnea can reduce related TMJ problems. This often involves therapies like continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
  • Oral Appliances: Devices like mandibular advancement splints can help manage both conditions by repositioning the jaw during sleep.

For Lifestyle Factors (e.g., Diet, Tobacco, Alcohol):

  • Lifestyle Modification: Dietary changes, tobacco cessation, and alcohol reduction can improve TMJ health by reducing exacerbating factors.
  • Stress Management: Reducing stress through stress-reduction techniques is crucial in mitigating the impact of lifestyle factors on TMJ health.

For Muscle Relaxation

  • Botox Treatment: Botox treatment offers relief by relaxing jaw muscles, reducing pain, and improving TMJ function, making it a valuable treatment option for TMJ disorders.

The Role of Coeur d'Alene Dental Center in TMJ Treatment

Coeur d'Alene Dental Center plays a pivotal role in the comprehensive treatment of TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorders, offering specialized care to patients seeking relief from the discomfort and challenges associated with this condition. With their expertise in oral health and dental care, Coeur d'Alene dentists are equipped to accurately diagnose TMJ disorders, create personalized treatment plans, and provide a range of therapeutic interventions, including custom oral appliances and Botox treatments.

Their commitment to patient education, collaborative approach, and patient-centered care ensures that individuals receive the support and guidance they need throughout their TMJ treatment journey. CDA dentists' dedication to improving oral health and enhancing the quality of life for TMJ patients makes them a trusted resource for those seeking practical solutions for their conditions.