Invisalign What to Expect

Chances are you have heard of Invisalign. However, you probably don’t fully understand what Invisalign is really all about and why it is garnering such significant hype. Invisalign straightens smiles quicker, more easily, and also in a manner that is more aesthetically pleasing than other options such as braces. Instead of worrying about brackets, wires, and adjustments as is the case with braces, opt for Invisalign and you will simply have to switch out your trays in accordance with the timeline provided by our dentists at Coeur d’Alene Dental Center. Let’s take a closer look at what patients should expect from the Invisalign process.

The Basics of Invisalign

Invisalign is centered on the use of trays. A sequence of trays move teeth back into the proper alignment. However, the trays used for your specific teeth are not exactly the same as those used by other patients. Your Invisalign aligners will be uniquely yours. These light and clear aligners are comfortable, pose no threat to your cheeks or gums, and cannot be seen by others. The Invisalign process begins with an initial appointment in which a dentist or orthodontist takes a look at your mouth and discusses your smile aesthetic, oral health, and potential treatments. Once the dentist confirms you are a solid Invisalign candidate, the discussion will shift to the potential treatment length and treatment protocol.

Molding and Fitting

Invisalign requires the use of digital molding to make clear aligners that are perfect for your nuanced mouth. The molding process involves a digital scan, photos, and even x-rays so the dentist can get a completely accurate model of the interior of your mouth. X-rays are taken for a clear image of the spaces between your teeth that could otherwise not be seen. The images are transmitted to an Invisalign lab so your custom aligner trays can be made.

Once the Invisalign trays are prepared, it is time for you to put them in. The dentist might add diminutive attachments to the teeth that ensure the trays remain in place. Such small attachments, also referred to as buttons, are translucent in color, can be installed without causing pain, and are temporary as opposed to permanent. The dentist then checks to ensure the aligners fit just right.

The Invisalign Aftercare Program

Listen closely as the dentist details the aftercare program details for your Invisalign trays. The addition of the first tray is just the start of the process. Switch out the initial tray for the next tray and so on in accordance with the timeline detailed by the dentist. Keep your trays in your mouth except for when you eat and clean your teeth.

Follow-Up Appointments

The dentist will want to take a look at your teeth a couple of weeks after the initial tray is fitted. Though there is no need to return to the dentist’s office for as many appointments as is necessary with braces, you will have to meet with the dentist periodically so your progress can be measured. However, you do not have to visit with the dentist every single time you change Invisalign aligners. Most patients progress through the Invisalign trays as expected and the teeth gradually shift into the right positions. However, if necessary, a digital scan might be required to order another set of Invisalign clear aligners.

The Straight Teeth You Covet

The teeth that were improperly spaced or crooked will be straightened after about a year’s time or possibly even sooner. Be patient, let your Invisalign trays work their magic and you will love the results. The end results ultimately hinge on the extent of the misalignment. As long as you wear your Invisalign trays for 22+ hours per day and switch out the trays as prescribed by our dentist, your teeth will noticeably improve in terms of straightness and spacing in the year ahead.

There is no Reason to Fear Invisalign

Most of those who have crooked teeth or improperly spaced teeth are hesitant to take action simply because they are worried about the potential pain, cost, and time investment involved in teeth straightening. Though braces are conspicuous and take upwards of two years to straighten teeth, the exact opposite is true of Invisalign. While braces’ wires and brackets sometimes pose a threat to the gums, Invisalign clear aligners move teeth into the right positions without any such potential pain.

Clean Your Teeth as Usual

Teeth cleaning while using Invisalign is quite easy. The trays can be removed whenever desired, meaning you can take them right out of your mouth to floss, brush, rinse with mouthwash, etc. So go ahead and clean your teeth whenever necessary. Just remember to pop your Invisalign aligners back into your mouth after cleaning your teeth and you will have done your part to expedite the straightening process.

Contact Coeur d’Alene Dental Center

Schedule an appointment today to find out more about Invisalign. You can contact us online to schedule an appointment or give our team a call at (208) 667-7461.